Weight Loss Secrets - 2 Weeks to Lose 10 Pounds

If you only have 2 weeks to lose 10 pounds, you need to act fast. With a lot of unique ways available nowadays, you may find that losing weight is much easier than before. However, if you are tired of the regular practices like dieting and exercising, may be you should look for more innovative methods. Listed below is one such method that will positively help you to reduce weight and that too in just two weeks. Read on...
Blue often is a color associated with sadness and melancholy. Have you ever wondered why? Well, blue indeed is a color that makes you gloomy on some level. As a
result, it is now being used as a weight loss tool. Yes you read that right! Have you noticed how fast food restaurants never have blue color painted on their walls? It has been scientifically proven that with blue around, you lose your appetite a little bit and don't feel like eating as much. Hence, you could try the following:
1. Paint your dining room blue
2. Get blue plates and bowls
3. Get a blue table cloth
4. Get blue table mats
5. If your using food color, use blue
This may sound like an absurd idea, but you really need to try it to believe it. A lot of people are still unaware of this secret and so do not benefit from it. But now that you do know about it, keep it in mind at all times. You also must remember to:
Avoid the colors red, orange and yellow in your eating area - Just like blue takes away your appetite, the colors red, orange and yellow boost up the appetite. So keep these colors out of your sight when you are dining to avoid over eating.
Decorate the room - You could place some white or pink flowers in your dining area as these would distract you from the food. The more focused you are on what's on your plate, the more you end up eating.
Keep this bizarre, but extremely effective weight loss secret in mind and you will surely end up losing a lot of pounds. Give yourself 2 weeks to lose 10 pounds and at the end of the fourteen days, you will find yourself a lot lighter and fitter. It is both unhealthy and unattractive to be overweight. So get set to lose your flab and feel wonderful.
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